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Morning Art Journaling

Start New Career in Art | Alexandra Novik-Khamis

Creativity as a Spiritual Process | Alexandra Novik - Khamis


Being the artist and by this I mean truly fully involved artist is not only ever-lasting inspiration which gives you the ideas and power for work.
Being artist is also means to suffer from lack of inspiration. Just sometimes muse is gone for long vacation and you feel a bit of emptiness inside. And I don’t mean depression or something like that. No in all of aspects of your life can be the best situation and you can be happy person, but it does not mean you are inspired. All of us painters or visual artist need some time to relax and refresh our system in order to start again in week or so, but what if the feeling to hold brush never coming again? That’s when problem with inner spirits starts. You want and you can’t. Or maybe you don’t want at all. In this situation the best solution is waiting and maybe search the new objects of inspiration.
Movies, books, travels… anything which can bring you a new emotions.
One of the famous artist who loved the companies of women and loved to have a lot of mistresses once told me that is not women what inspires him. He said women never inspired, and never after the night of love had he painted something great. What inspired him is architecture, new cities, traveling.
So in this case everything is pretty individual. And how to heal museness is your task and only yours.
There is no one and only recipe to heal it.
So try to watch something inspirational and surf the internet for some nice art and wait, just wait. Maybe your muse just stuck in the air traffic on the way back to you… it will come soon.


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