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Teacher, mentor, guru...of art and inspirations!

Teacher, mentor, guru and guide is all me. 
No, of course I understand maybe it's sounds very "loud". 
But yes, I am an Art Teacher. And it's includes all of it. 
I am very happy to be one. I always try to inspire people around me. Not only students who I teach and not only in art lesson or art related situations, but always. In any live situation I am trying to be the one who is going to "spark" the light of inspiration and creativity in mind of people around me.
But you know what I actully do in the time when I don't have anyone around to motivate?? 
I am "recharging" my mood, exactly like battery, but not with energy, but rather with motivational and inspirational vibes. So yes , basically my life modes are consists of 2 phases - "Inspraional and motivational art mentor" or "Artist in search of inspiration". I am kind of seaching inspiration everywhere and then just give it around. 
It's sounds unusual, but that's how my life is going and I am happy. Do I feel exhausted sometimes or empty? 
Yes, I do, I feel tired but I know several things which helps me a lot: I want to be part of something bigger than just me myself.
You can't pour from empty cup.
Don't stop when you are tired. Stop when you are done.
Don't quit when you are tired, but learn how to take a rest.

I am happy not only to give my art knowledge to students but also to give them part of inspiration and motivation to move on in life and art. I guess that's what real mentors do...they are inspiring.
