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Minimalism in Artist's Life

Minimalism is a movement in art… 
But recently it is became a movement in our lives. 
The movement that will help us to find freedom.

Minimalism is very popular wave right now. People finally started to understand the value of things around and within them. The authors started to write books with guidelines for perfect minimalistic lifestyle. Video bloggers started show their minimalistic apartments and process of getting rid of everything what was so dear just some time ago. I might say that first time when I heard about it I said to me “These people don’t know what means to live being poor. How come they throw so many good things?” But later when I started to learn about minimalism deeper I got it. It is not about throwing thing – rather of giving away to someone who will appreciate. It’s not about having a little, but rather to give value to what you have. And of course to stop “feeding” mass markets and consuming stuff you don’t need. And Of course I loved the idea.

Actually I started to declutter my house and my husband smiled and said “Again saw something on YouTube?”
Well, he liked the idea when I explained the minimalism concept.

But here comes another difficulty. I am an artist. And how possibly minimalism and art can combine? Our home is like an artwork. Full of colors, art works on the walls, flowers, bright colors and photographs (we even have a chair in shoe shape).

I personally don’t like totally minimalistic spaces; spaces without heart and soul. Minimalistic apartments give me feeling of cold and office like area. I have some friends when I visited them, I did not see a single photo frame and nothing what will tell me story of owners of this place. I felt like it was not family home, but a hotel.
I love places filled with memories, warm colors and bright patterns. People who visiting our home say only one word when come in “Wow”. They like brightness and that they see spirit in it, everyone whant to start painting after visiting our home.  And even a little bit effect of “loud” home is not something too much, but rather inspirational. 

Even though I accepted challenge of minimalism in my life, but in my own way. I am keep decluttering house and trying not to buy anything we will not need. In the end the only things artist need is inspiration…and good music, brushes and canvas and strong tea.
I believe that minimalistic wave is very positive flow. People understand that to live full and rich life you don’t need materialistic things. You don’t need expensive outfits and branded bags to impress people around. Because what kind of person you are if the only way you can impress someone is by the dress you are wearing or fake make up? Are you Kardashian? By the way Kardashians are one of the most people who are guilty of consumerism in our generation and emptiness in the mind of young people. Because people look at them and saying “We want to be like them. We want to live like them.” No one look at really talented people and say same things. Why? Because you need to dig deeper into culture and think, analyze and evaluate significance of someone’s works and art works.

Easier to open eyes on weird show and close your mind. To truly open your mind and change vision you must shut your eyes and go out of the box and start searching for the new way of life.

This is exactly what minimalism doing: helping to bring true value into our lives. We will finally appreciate things we have, and we will not need shopping as we need it before anymore.  Before during shopping: I want it, but I can’t have it! But right now:  I can have it, but I don’t want it. And this is what our vision must be.

In the end I must say that for artistic person as myself is very difficult to live in minimalistic space and have small amount of outfits (because I have art events to visit). But to consume less, to appreciate everything I have and taking care of things I have already – this is something even artists can do.


  1. I would love to me more minimalistic, but I just keep on gathering things!

  2. I don't really get the minimalist thing. I can understand not living in excess. I know what it is to be poor and go without so I couldn't imagine doing it voluntarily.


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