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Start an Art Business in 9 Steps | Alexandra Novik-Khamis

“To be successful, you have to have your heart in your business, and your business in your heart.”

~ Sr. Tomas Watson

There are three key ingredients that will build a long-term successful art business – planning, marketing and creating. In this post, you will discover how to start an art business in 9 steps.

Building a long-term successful business takes a great deal of energy. It is hard work and there will be many long days.

You want all of your energy to be productive. Running around, putting out unnecessary fires is not in your best interest.

If you are willing to put everything into your passion then you will be rewarded. Make your dreams a reality, start an art business today.

Create art. This is an obvious step but does need to be mentioned. You will want to be able to have enough art available to promote. While you are promoting and selling your artwork you need to be able to replenish what was sold. Creating art should be on your weekly schedule even when you feel less than motivated. 

Find your niche. You need to know what your niche is to be able to market to the right people. You do not want to waste your time targeting people who have no interest in what type of art you create. After you have found your niche you will want to spend some time researching who also is interested in your niche. These people will be potential customers.

Create a mission statement. This will help you stay focused on what is important for your business. Many times people start to go on a different path. A mission statement will help you stay on track and help your marketing plan. It will also build trust with your audience. 

Create a business plan. To start a business plan, you will need to set goals for your business. Ask yourself where you would like your business to be in ten years, five years, and one year. You will need to research the logistics in the state that you live for running a business in your niche and product that you sell. Talk to your accountant for information that you will need for your bookkeeping. Decide on how much income will you need to generate in the beginning. Break that down into how many pieces you will need to sell in a month.

Design a marketing plan for online and offline sales. You might want to spend more time on an online marketing plan. There are endless possibilities in today’s world with the internet. Create a social media marketing plan. Social media is a great way to reach a new audience.

Create an online presence. You will need a place to sell your work online if you decide to provide online sales. You will need a website and a blog. Your artist blog will give you the opportunity to create content about your business and product that will generate traffic to your website. 

Create an editorial calendar for your blog. If you have done any research for marketing, you probably have heard the phrase content marketing. Content is the new marketing thanks to the internet. You will need to create great content on a regular basis if you want to stand out in this crowded world. Creating an editorial calendar will help you to focus on creating great content for your audience. 

Take care of your customers. Everything above will be a waste of time if you do not take care of your customers. Your customers will be the people paying your bills. Give the best customer service that you can. Your business and reputation depend on them.

Believe in yourself and your art. There will be many emotional roller-coaster rides that you will be taking. You will have great weeks and you will have slow weeks. Do not question yourself or your art. Study the results of the marketing plan and adjust. Adjusting will be part of your daily plan for as long as you have your business running.


Let’s review the 9 steps to start an art business.

  1. Create art
  2. Find your niche
  3. Create a mission statement
  4. Create a business plan
  5. Design a marketing plan
  6. Create an online presence
  7. Create an editorial calendar
  8. Take care of your customers
  9. Believe in yourself and your artwork

Are you ready to start an art business?

You can do it and you can be successful.

Go down the list one by one and start living your dreams.
And if you need help please visit Palitra Studio today and I will guide you into the art world and will explain how to start your dream career.

Start an Art Business in 9 Steps



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