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Morning Art Journaling

Start New Career in Art | Alexandra Novik-Khamis

Creativity as a Spiritual Process | Alexandra Novik - Khamis

Visions of Art | Alexandra Novik-Khamis

The ability to dream and to create new worlds by taking a flat surface and transforming it is the gift that artists can bring to the world. With this concept of manipulating dimensionality, an artist may point out something that already exists but in such a skillful manner that the viewer sees it in a brand new way. Thus art can alter the viewer’s perception, launching them into an exploration of their own thoughts and beliefs. This is my mission as an artist and an art mentor – to bring elements of our consciousness that are hidden in plain sight into the light, into the observable world.One of the most important mantras I follow is to “stay authentic” I paint for me and am my own toughest critic. When my work resonates with someone it is rewarding. But my greatest reward is when I step back from a painting and say, “this is good, this is strong, and I’m satisfied."
I would love to see Art, in all its forms, have an even greater positive impact on the world. Like music, Art crosses barriers and can bring us closer. I hope that those who see my work find joy in it. That my works make viewers stop and think and feel and wonder.
The adventure of finding a signature style has been painful yet invigorating at the same time. I wake up and go to sleep thinking about colour and how to make them move on the canvas. I am driven to share the joy and peace that I find while teaching my students.
I am unique because, after many years of being chained by perfectionism, I have embraced my messiness and have let go. I seek my inner artist when it comes to being creative, with my colours and my brushstrokes. My works are messy yet calm, they have movement but create a stillness of soul. I know a piece is complete when I look at it and it has emotion but peace at the same time. My number one goal is to share the joy that I have in my heart with others without needing to use words. I want people to know that they are loved and I desire for them to be healed in their hearts when they look at my work.
My desire is that my art can bring a glimpse of heaven to those who need it when they need it.
The world is remarkably full of hustle, with little time to contemplate or experience new things. Technology accelerates this to a point such that few people take time in their day to observe the world. Most of our interactions are filtered through technology. Painting and art have a wonderful silence to it, something removed and singular that has this wealth of stored energy in it – an energy that can be experienced really only through time and contemplation.
My art tries to grab peoples eyes to point out the wonderful things I am seeing and that perhaps others are overlooking.



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