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Morning Art Journaling

Start New Career in Art | Alexandra Novik-Khamis

Creativity as a Spiritual Process | Alexandra Novik - Khamis

Importance of Art | Alexandra Novik-Khamis

You do need art. We all do!
The arts have a very tangible, measurable, and essential impact on our lives. It doesn’t matter if you’re an elementary school student or if you haven’t been in school for decades—the arts enrich all of us, sometimes in ways we’d never suspect.
You’ve probably heard that arts curriculum is beneficial to students, but did you know that it benefits all students, even the ones who aren’t particularly artsy?
The work of advocacy organizations programs that specialize in bringing the arts to underperforming schools—has proven that both right- and left-brained kids really do benefit from arts education.
Older adults who both created art and attended arts events reported higher cognitive functioning and lower rates of both hypertension and limitations to their physical functioning than did adults who neither created nor attended art.
It’s nice to know continued involvement in the arts doesn’t just benefit youngsters. Even when you’re grown, art literally makes your smarter, stronger, and faster!
The arts can make your kids smarter, they can make you stronger, but they’re not done yet—they can also make you feel better too.
Exposure to the arts for just two hours every week can drastically improve your mental health and overall well-being. It can be active exposure, like painting a picture, or passive exposure, like strolling through a gallery or museum.
I am reminded of this fact on a daily basis at Palitra Studio—how art has that unique ability to inspire deeper meanings. 
From an early age I am encouraging my students to express their deepest feels with their art, sometimes way before they could even speak, and because of this they have grown very fond of art and the art world alike. Every passing day, new creations are being made by my students, which is really amazing to see, their imagination taking off, and students' natural talents flourishing.
Even if you’re not as talented as some artists, there’s something about art that teaches us to imagine, aspire, and dream. Can you think of anything more important than that?
Whether you appreciate art on a physical or a metaphysical level, I hope everyone realizes the importance of arts education for people of all ages and continues to support the arts. Because remember, you gotta have art.
And the 1st Academical Art Studio in Bahrain Palitra Studio can help you in art education!
No matter what discipline you choose, you will find it here.
Does not matter of age and skills, you can choose private or group art sessions.



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