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Morning Art Journaling

Start New Career in Art | Alexandra Novik-Khamis

Creativity as a Spiritual Process | Alexandra Novik - Khamis

5 Ways Getting Creative Improves Your Health | Alexandra Novik-Khamis

Some pursue creative activities as a hobby and some do it for a living, but no matter what road we've taken to unleash our imaginations and need for free self-expression, it's pretty clear that making things is part and parcel of being human.
Making art is a part of my wellbeing, and it is something we should all try. In this fast-paced, head-spinning world of careers, relationships, and family, art is a way to deal with it.
Scientific research has often studied the link between creativity and health benefits, with artistic activities said to enhance emotional well-being regardless of skill level.
Did you know that reading the classics might be more helpful than a self-help book, knitting has a significant therapeutic effect, and like listening to music, simply appreciating art can decrease anxiety and help you feel calm and happy? Drawing, writing, reading poetry and crafting can all help lower stress, relax your muscles, reduce indigestion and inflammation, and increase self-esteem and productivity. This is because creative pursuits help us focus our attention, similar to the way that meditating does.
Many of the physical and mental benefits of creativity involve being in flow, psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s term for that state we get into when we are so engaged in a creative task that our sense of time disappears and we temporarily forget ourselves and our “internal chaos.” 
Flow is especially beneficial for people with depression or anxiety, and neurological studies show that engaging in purposeful and meaningful activities such as creative pursuits can work as a natural antidepressant by improving mood. So if you could use a mental or physical health upgrade, find some time to grow your creative appreciation or jump right in with any of these activities, if you’re not already busy mastering them.
Here are five of the best benefits of creating:

When you practice being creative in a non-stressful, self-expressive way, you will be more comfortable when you are doing a task that involves serious pressure. When you become more inclined to think out-of-the-box on a side project, you are more likely to generate new ideas in the work environment. This is going to impress your boss and turn you from an employee to a vital idea generator at work.

Creative expression is linked to the healthcare practice. Health is beyond just fighting off disease and ailments. Researchers find holistic health (one which encompasses the physiological, emotional and social health) is a true assessment of one’s health. This is a long way of me trying to say that when you express yourself creatively, you improve your odds of coping with tough life situations. By getting it out on paper, on canvas, in an image, through movement or through music, you are coping so you will be less likely to develop depression or stress-related illnesses which arise from a lack of self-expression.

Okay, this one is linked mostly to forms of creative movement. But the creative movement has been shown to improve self-image in women going through cancer treatment. A study done of women undergoing treatment and practicing art as a coping mechanism for their disease found comfort and a positive form of self-expression in dance. Creative dance, as in dance where they moved and told a story through the movement, caused positive effects, including improved coping skills, better attention, and appreciation for self and body and an easier transition back into normal life.

Have you been feeling stressed at work? It’s not winter now, but when it does roll around, in addition to taking your vitamins and drinking your orange juice, be creative. Some researchers at Teikyo University in Japan wanted to see if listening to classical music would positively affect the immune function and anti-inflammation in mice. After exposing mice to music by Mozart, Enya and random sound frequencies, they saw the Mozart-listening mice had better-functioning immune systems than the other two groups.

As we get up there in years, the inevitable slowing down of our brains is going to happen. Ballroom dancing has been shown to increase mental sharpness in people of all ages. But, for anyone who has ever done partner dance, or just enjoyed a good move on the dance floor, you know how good it can be for you. What you may not know is you are leading and following with your dance partner, and you are teaching your brain to pick up on quick changes. This keeps your mind clear and sharp and, in turn, trains it to stay sharp. So bust a move and beat Alzheimer's. Your older and current self with thank you.

Indulging your creative side is like getting more mental exercise—it teaches patience and perseverance, increases your sense of pride, develops fine motor dexterity, and can bring you together with people who share your interests. And as psychoanalyst D.W. Winnicott pointed out, being creative moves us closer to discovering our true self.

Along with a healthy lifestyle, these five mental and emotional benefits play a huge role in achieving long-term wellness. Hopefully, this inspires you to pick up a pen or paintbrush. Start small, and let your creative power run wild—every little bit counts.



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