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Morning Art Journaling

Start New Career in Art | Alexandra Novik-Khamis

Creativity as a Spiritual Process | Alexandra Novik - Khamis

My Main Inspiration | Alexandra Novik-Khamis

Hi friends,

Yesterday was a great day and a day full of inspiration. One of the problems, when you are a full-time artist, is finding time for your life outside art making. But I am also concerned about the search for a muse and inspiration.

Art inspiration is a type of energy or stimulus that inspires creativity.
Many artists rely on this form of inspiration to help them create new artwork because it gives them a lot of new and original ideas.

I am the kind of person who put all my effort and soul into art and everything about art making. It’s too easy to burn out this way actually. Even though it’s a debatable thing – can you really be burnout of the things you enjoy doing, like creating art? I guess so if you as an artist will not get inspiration and motivation. You can't pour from an empty cup.

I can’t emphasize this enough:
You can’t wait around forever for inspiration to come to you. If you do, you’ll end up procrastinating and making no artistic progress at all.
So, when you’re feeling uninspired or art-blocked, you need to be proactive to get your artistic inspiration back.

Artists get inspiration from a variety of sources including nature, media, people, other artists’ artwork, and personal experiences. What about me, you can ask – my artistic soul needs something else - I am getting inspiration from dates with my husband.

One of the most important inspiration sources in fact for me are dates with my husband.
Just because you’re married, that doesn’t mean you should stop dating! Here’s why it’s important to continue to date your husband.
Maintaining a regular weekly (or every-other-week) date night is a valuable marriage builder. Even once a month would be better than nothing! Dates are not only important for me as for wife, but I am truly getting inspiration. 

My husband is my muse for sure. And how you can get better inspiration and energy for the new masterpieces if not from your muse?

I think the important thing is having time set aside to pour into your marriage and invest in the relationship.
You don’t even need to leave the house to do that.
We count simple things as “date night.” 

Personally, my husband and I have more at-home date nights than date nights out on the town. But our goal is to incorporate more special date nights together. 

As you have learned, there are many ways to find inspiration in the world around you.
But the biggest takeaway is that you shouldn’t wait for inspiration to come knocking at your door. Instead, be proactive and seek it out. And seek for your own, the muse which will fill you with artistic bliss.

And before I sign off, because I know you always read my blog posts habibi, I love you more than I'll ever be able to express. 
You're my better half and going through life with you is extra special. 
Oh and I still think you're the most handsome man around. 
Thank you for being my muse and bringing me endless inspiration for my art projects!



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