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Spring PlainAir | Alexandra Novik-Khamis

Alexandra Novik-Khamis

Hello everyone,

As spring finally arrives, we are excited to share the joys of painting in the great outdoors! Painting outside, also known as plain air painting, provides a unique inspiration and opportunity for artists to connect with nature in a way that is truly special.

It is a chance to break free from the constraints of a studio and to allow nature to inspire us in new and unforeseen ways. The ever-changing natural light and beauty of the surroundings creates a sense of excitement and energy that is nearly impossible to replicate inside.

The effects of outdoor painting are truly remarkable, as artists have reported that their artwork becomes more vibrant, more alive, and more expressive when they paint outside. The freshness and spontaneity that comes from responding to the environment and observing your surroundings cannot be replicated in any other setting.

Plain air painting can inspire a more intuitive and fewer inhibitions way of painting. Being outside, you are able to see the world in a different way, which in turn affects the way you approach your work. The colors and shapes of nature can influence the overall feel and tone of your painting, which can help you create a more authentic and naturalistic finished piece.

In conclusion, I encourage all artists to experience plain air painting for themselves. Even if you've never tried it before, stepping outside of your usual routines and allowing the breath of the world to inspire you can have profound effects on your creative process. Paint on, and I look forward to seeing the beautiful works of art that will be created.

Happy painting!
